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Term ends at Turkish school


The children were happy to receive their certificates

Another academic year came to an end at London’s Turkish schools with the presentation of reports and certificates.

Ali Rıza Değirmencioğlu Turkish School in Wood Green ended the term last Saturday with a ceremony in the hall of St Thomas Moore School, where classes take place at the weekend.

The children brought their families along for the event. The parents watched as students were given their certificates – many children gave their teachers colourful bouquets in return.

They now all look forward to a long summer holiday, but last weekend’s ceremony marked the end of days for some teachers

Parents and families attended the ceremony

Sevtap Kemal, the president of the Turkish Families Union in the UK, awarded gifts to Turkish Cypriot teachers Bengü Detar and Şevket Aydın, as well as to Yunus Nadi Çuhadar from Turkey.

All three are returning to their home countries as their postings have come to an end.

The new term at Ali Rıza Değirmencioğlu School will begin in September.

Other Turkish language schools in London are expected to complete their academic terms this weekend and next week, ahead of the summer holidays.




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