Joan Ryan
In a statement released this week, the newly MP for Enfield North, Joan Ryan, promised to campaign over the National Health Service
I am honoured to have been elected as the MP for Enfield North. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to the people of this great constituency for giving me the opportunity to represent you in Parliament once again. Whichever way you voted on Thursday 7th May, I will serve you faithfully.
I am a campaigner and I will be a campaigning MP for Enfield North. I am concerned about the new Tory Government’s commitment to our National Health Service, but I will campaign for more doctors, nurses and midwives in Enfield. I will fight to protect Chase Farm Hospital from any more cuts and I will campaign to ensure that any money that’s made from selling off land is invested in better services at the Hospital. I am going to campaign for the best education for all the children in Enfield. I am going to campaign for more apprenticeships, lower tuition fees, for fairer taxes and an £8 minimum wage, as soon as possible. And I’m going to campaign for more and better housing for local families and for first time buyers in particular.
I am not going to pretend that achieving this will be easy, given the Tory Government is committed to major cuts, but I promise to work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure a better future for Enfield and for all those who live and work in the area. I look forward to campaigning with my team, meeting local people, listening to their concerns, and using my experience to fight for the things that matter to the people of Enfield. You deserve nothing less.
I will keep you regularly updated on my work through my website, my Twitter and Facebook pages and via my newsletters.