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Cuma Hafif yağmur
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Mehmet Yaşın was celebrated in London

Mehmet Yaşın was celebrated in London

Gathering together members of the community attended the event to celebrate Mehmet Yaşın in London which was organised by the Cypriot Artists Platform, the Union of Cypriot in the UK (EKA) and the Turkish Cypriot Democracy Association on Friday 13 September.

Yasin thanked everyone for joining him for this event to celebrate 40 years which marks his first poetry book release, as well as all those involved in organised the evening to celebrated his work.

Those who attended were able to have their books sign as well as spend time speak with the Yasin, who went on to give readings of 10 short poems he picked from his poetry work in English, Turkish and Greek.

The poet gave walked through his feels, thought as well as the history of the poems.  One of his poems was read out in Turkish and English by himself and Greek by Lorna Eleonora Vassiliadesat the same time in a reflection of his thoughts and the mix use of languages of his own thoughts.

Alev Adil spoke about the importance of Yaşın works not just his poetry and novels he creates connections with them and the Cypriot culture, Adil also spoke about the significance of the anthologies Yasin has published

Following this Yaşın answered answers from guest and gave a more insight in to how he looks at pass poetry as well as future, poesty and explained his view point and given history of his event that happened in his career.

Touching on his use of mixture languages, which is to remind people of the culture connection. Explain his grew up in am mixed cosmopolitan city, where there was no different between his neighbours and his family, living without labels to ethnicity or background.

After the question and answers, those attending carry on enjoying the evening engaging with Yasin.

The event was just one of series of cultural and artistic events have been organized in Cyprus, Turkey, Greece and England, which started on May 25 and will be continuing until mid-December to mark the celebrations of 40th anniversary of his first poetry book, Sevgilim Ölü Asker (My Love The Dead Soldier).

Mehmet Yaşın’s works have been published in Turkish Cypriot newspapers since 1973, in Greek Cypriot newspapers since 1977, in Turkish art magazines since 1979 and in Greece, England and other cities in Europe since 1980.

Yaşın’s works have been translated into 24 languages, published as books in 11 countries and are read in 43 countries. The artist has produced projects in various artistic fields in collaboration with musicians, theater groups and film directors. His poetry installations in particular have been exhibited in France, Portugal, Brazil, Lebanon, Russia, and Cyprus, and are now part of a museum collection in Belgium.




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