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ASUK mark the 101st Anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne

The Atatürk Society UK (ASUK) shared a statement to mark the 101th anniversary of the Treaty of Lausanne.  “This treaty is the land deed of the Republic of Turkey, recognized and respected by all nations worldwide, and will always remain valid. It ensures the equality and freedom of all people across its entire geography, and the state maintains its existence based on secularism and guided by science.

“The Treaty of Lausanne is a national deed won through the War of Independence led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, which liberated Anatolia and Thrace from enemy occupation. It countered the Treaty of Sèvres, signed by Sultan Vahdettin with imperialist countries, especially England. It is part of the national pact and represents a unitary structure. It is whole and indivisible. We achieved this not through requests but by fighting and with our strength.

“The process was so challenging that even the negotiations for the treaty, which can be considered a kind of diplomatic struggle, were arduous. For instance, the sessions for the treaty began on November 20, 1922, at 3:30 PM in the hall of Mont Benon Casino in Lausanne, Switzerland, after the enemy was driven into the sea in Izmir. The negotiations continued until July 24, 1923. Sessions were interrupted from time to time, and our delegation even returned to Ankara once, reaching the point where the resumption of war became a possibility. But our delegation was led by İsmet İnönü, and Mustafa Kemal Pasha was at the helm of our country. We were united and strong. Our opponents were the imperialist countries, referred to as the Great Powers at that time, particularly England, along with France, Italy, and all the Allied Powers, including America. On our side was only Soviet Russia, represented by Foreign Minister Chicherin.

“Thus, the Treaty of Lausanne is a product of challenging conditions but belongs to the people of our country. As the Atatürk Soceity UK we have always honoured and defended our country’s deed. We will continue to defend it against those who collaborate with imperialists and exploit religion.”

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