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How to vote in the General Election

How to vote in the General Election

To have your say on who should become your local Member of Parliament in the General Election on Thursday, July 4, you must first register to vote. Everyone who is on the official electoral register then has the choice of three voting methods: In person, by post, or by appointing a proxy to vote on their behalf.

How do I register to vote?

You must be 18 years old or older to vote in a UK general election, although the age limit is younger for local and devolved parliament elections in Scotland and Wales. There is no upper age limit.

Up to 12 working days before polling day – which for the upcoming General Election falls on  Tuesday, June 18. You do not have to re-register ahead of each election, although you should register again if you have moved house.

What are the different ways of voting?

You can vote by post, you can vote by proxy where someone else casts your ballot on your behalf, or you can vote in person.

How does voting in person work?

To vote in person you must go to a polling place and fill out the ballot you are given and place it in a ballot box. Ahead of the election you will be sent a poll card which tells you where your polling station is. You cannot vote at a different polling place to the one you are assigned.

To register visit

How does voting by post work?

You can apply for a postal vote ahead of the election. You do not need to give a reason, unless you live in Northern Ireland. Around three weeks before polling day, after the deadline to become a candidate has passed and once the ballot papers are printed, you will be sent a postal vote pack in the post.

You should follow the instructions provided and post your ballot back as soon as possible. If you forget to post your ballot before election day you can hand it in to your local polling station before 10pm on election day. If you do this you will need to complete a form.

You have until 5pm, 11 working days before polling day to apply for a postal vote. In the 2024 general election that means 5pm on Wednesday, June 19.

To apply for postal vote visit .

How does voting by proxy work?

You can apply to allow someone else to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote. Unlike with postal votes there are some criteria which you must meet to be allowed to apply for a proxy vote. These include you being away on polling day, being registered as an overseas voter, having a medical issue or disability, or not being able to vote because of work or military service.

You can do so until 5pm on the day which is six working days before the election in England, Scotland or Wales – that means Wednesday, June 26 2024, for the General Election – or 14 days before election day in Northern Ireland.

To apply for a proxy vote visit .

Do I need to bring ID to the polling station?

Since April 2022 you have needed to show a valid form of photo ID when you are voting in person in some elections, including UK parliamentary elections. These include UK and EU passports and driving licences.

Accepted forms of ID are: a UK or Northern Ireland photocard driving licence (full or provisional), a driving licence issued by an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Isle of Man or any of the Channel Islands, a UK passport, a passport issued by an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or a Commonwealth country, a PASS card (National Proof of Age Standards Scheme), a Blue Badge, a biometric residence permit (BRP), a Defence Identity Card (MOD form 90), a national identity card issued by the EU, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, a Northern Ireland Electoral Identity Card.

If you do not have any of these forms of IDs you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate at .


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