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Celebration of May 19th at Trafalgar Square

Celebration of May 19th at Trafalgar Square

The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day was celebrated with enthusiasm in Trafalgar Square, London, through an event organized by the CHP UK.

The event commenced with a minute of silence followed by the singing of the Turkish National Anthem. Members of the CHP UK Youth Branch and citizens together recited Atatürk’s Address to Youth. Nisa Güler, a member of the CHP UK Board, also recited the “Response of Turkish Youth to Atatürk.”

Ozan Aşkın, Vice President of the CHP UK, stated, “Just like across the homeland, we celebrated the enthusiasm of May 19th with our citizens and youth with great enthusiasm.”

Elif Acun, Vice President of the CHP UK, expressed her sentiments, saying: “We are very happy. On the 103rd anniversary of May 19th, which is the birthday of our country, Atatürk, and the day of our victory, I greet you all with respect and love from London, the center of imperialism, with the same pride and excitement.”

This meaningful day witnessed moments of unity and pride as the Turkish community in London celebrated with solidarity and enthusiasm.



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