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Poleo: “There are many opportunities for Turkish startups in the UK”

Kenan Poleo, the Consul General of UK in Istanbul, highlighted the numerous opportunities awaiting Turkish entrepreneurs. In an interview with Swipeline TR, Poleo emphasized the importance of modernizing the longstanding trade relations between Turkey and the UK through technology.

Poleo stated, “The £1 trillion UK technology ecosystem and Turkey’s vibrant technology ecosystem offer an exceptional opportunity for mutual growth and global expansion.” He noted that the historical trade relations between Turkey and the UK, spanning over 400 years, have taken on a new dimension through technology-focused collaborations.

The Consul General pointed to the £30 billion venture capital investment made in the UK in 2022 as an example of how Turkish enterprises can benefit from this opportunity. Additionally, he highlighted that establishing a company in the UK can be done in as little as 24 hours with only £1 of capital, and thanks to the double taxation agreement with Turkey, the tax burden is minimized.

Poleo also underscored the importance of London Tech Week, which will provide an opportunity for Turkish enterprises to meet with over 1,000 venture capitalists, investors, and technology giants in June. He emphasized that participation in this event would be a significant step for Turkish enterprises to enter global markets.

Providing information about the new Free Trade Agreement, Poleo stated that negotiations would begin in June and could set a global standard, especially in services and technology. He highlighted that this agreement would further strengthen trade and investment relations between the two countries.

The Consul General also shared the ease of living and doing business in the UK. He said, “People can feel welcomed, safe, and enjoy a fun life in the UK.” Poleo emphasized that the UK not only offers business opportunities but also provides a culturally and socially rich experience.


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