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Cypriots attend the first Bicommunal Cypriot Festival

Turkish and Greek Cypriots gathered together on Sunday 8th October in north London for the first Bicommunal Cypriot Festival.

The Festival, aiming to reflect the common culture and traditions of all the communities living in Cyprus is taking place at The Cypriot Community Centre in Wood Green.

The warm weather saw Cypriots attend to enjoy music, singing, traditional dances, poems, theatre shows, short films photographic and painting exhibitions on display for all participants to enjoy.

The “Let’s Sing Together Band” from Cyprus with Frideriki Tombazou and Niyal Öztürk sang songs for peace together. 

With traditional foods, drinks and company to enjoy members of the Cypriot community of all ages attended. young children were able to take part in a workshop, which they later showcased.

In a statement, the organisers said: “From the time the doors of the festival opened at 10.30am until closing there was a constant flow of people from all the communities of Cyprus who visited all the stalls with the traditional delicacies as well as the other various activities at the festival: artistic, cinematographic, theatre, book and the children’s playground together with the music laboratory. The whole festival took place in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere and very pleasingly with the presence of many young people from both communities. Special mention must be given to the various stands where Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots worked together…”


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