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Khan: London stands with the people of Turkey and Syria

Khan: London stands with the people of Turkey and Syria

IN a statement today the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “It is devastating that more than 11,000 people have died in southern Turkey and northern Syria following the catastrophic earthquakes on Monday, and that sadly many more lives are likely to be lost.

“My thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy as well as with the many Londoners who have family and friends living in the area.

“London stands with the people of Turkey and Syria at this incredibly difficult time.

“I’m proud that members of the London Fire Brigade have travelled to Turkey as part of an international response to help those in need, and I encourage any Londoners who want to help those affected to give their support to leading DEC charity appeals, such as the Red Cross, Oxfam and Islamic Relief.”

More than 19,300 people have died in Turkey and Syria following Monday’s earthquakes.

Giving an updated death toll on Thursday afternoon, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan says 16,170 people have died in his country alone.

In Syria, 3,162 deaths have been reported.

Calls for support to Londoners personally impacted by this disaster

At a London Assmebly meeting today memebers recognises the valuable contribution Turkish, Kurdish and Syrian communities make across London and acknowledges that many Londoners will be impacted, with some losing loved ones in the countries affected.

It also recognises and thanks Londoners for the widespread community action which is taking place across our city to support those impacted by this tragedy.

They unanimously urging the Mayor to bring together partners and communities across London in their efforts to support relief efforts for this disaster.

Calling on the Mayor and the Foreign Office to work together to support Londoners personally impacted by this disaster who have loved ones in the impacted region.


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