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More homeless children in London than rest of England combined

There are more homeless children in London than in the rest of the country put together, figures from the charity Shelter show.

Of the estimated 123,000 homeless children in temporary accommodation in England, nearly 74,000 are in the capital.

Children comprise almost half (45%) of all people recorded as homeless in the data, which covers up to 30 June.

Overall, there are 150,000 homeless people in London, a rate of one in 58. Five years ago, that figure was 170,000.

It comes months after the number of people sleeping rough in London reached 5,712, a rise of just over a fifth, according to City Hall.

In September, the Centre for London warned many children were trapped in temporary homes due to a lack of affordable housing.

Newham in east London has the highest level of homelessness in the capital with one in 21 people affected, followed by Westminster with one in 27 people and Haringey in north London where one in 33 people are without a home.

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