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16-year-old arrested after two teens fatally stabbed in London

16-year-old arrested after two teens fatally stabbed in London

A 16-year-old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder after two teenagers were fatally stabbed just a mile apart in south-east London.

Officers were called at about 5.10 pm on Saturday to reports people had been injured in Sewell Road, Abbey Wood, and Titmuss Avenue in Thamesmead.

Despite the attendance of police and paramedics, two 16-year-old boys were pronounced dead.

They have been named as Kearne Solanke and Charlie Bartolo.

The victims’ families are being supported by specialist officers, police said.

Following the announcement of the arrest, Det Chief Insp Kate Blackburn said in a statement: “This is a positive development in what is a complex and fast-moving investigation. Charlie and Kearne’s families have been informed.

“Our investigation is ongoing and we continue to appeal for the public’s help as we build a picture of what happened on Saturday night.

“If you have information, no matter how insignificant you think it may be, please come forward.”

Speaking at one of the crime scenes earlier, Det Supt Richard McDonagh, said: “Homicide colleagues are investigating and are treating the two murders as linked.

“I can assure everybody affected by these murders that skilled detectives will work tirelessly to discover what happened and provide answers to the young victims and families.”

He added: “Officers are especially keen to hear from anyone who might have seen a dark-coloured SUV or 4×4 type with distinctive silver roof bars in the areas around Sewell Road or Titmuss Avenue in the days prior to the murders.”


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