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Two-minute walk after a meal helps fight diabetes experts say

Two-minute walk after a meal helps fight diabetes experts say

GOING for a short walk after a meal can reduce blood sugar and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, a review suggests.

Setting off 60 to 90 minutes after eating is optimum as this is when blood sugar levels typically peak and it allows the muscles to soak up fuel from the food, experts say.

People should aim for a 15-minute stroll but even ‘mini walks’ of two to five minutes offer some benefit, they add.

Researchers from the University of Limerick in Ireland looked at seven studies that compared the effects of sitting versus standing or walking on measures of heart health, including insulin and blood sugar levels. They found that light walking after a meal had a significant impact in moderating blood sugar levels.

In five of the studies, none of the participants had pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. The remaining two looked at a mix of people with and without such illnesses.

Participants were asked to either stand or walk for two to five minutes every 20 to 30 minutes over the course of a day.

All seven studies showed that just a few minutes of light-intensity walking after a meal were enough to significantly improve blood sugar levels compared to sitting down.

Aidan Buffey, lead author of the review, which was published in the journal Sports Medicine, said a mini walk of two to three minutes is more practical during the work day. People ‘aren’t going to get up and run on a treadmill or run around the office,’ he said, but they could get some coffee or even go for a stroll down the corridor.


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