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The Day-Mer festival to be held at Clissold Park once again

THE day-Mer festival, which has been held online for the last two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, will once again be held at Clissold Park.

This year the 33rd  Day-Mer Culture and Art Festival will enable Turkish-Kurdish workers to meet with local and migrant workers through culture and art, which will consist of various activities such as reception, picnic, panels, an end-of-season course event, theatre screening and painting.

On Sunday, July 3, the festival program will end with the annual park festival with artists such as; Mikail Aslan & Cemil Qocgiri, Oğuz Aksaç, The Turbans, Lokandes and The Odd Beat taking part.

Speakers in the festival will also be including; Hackney Mayor Philip Glanville, Labour Party (Emek Partisi) Chairman Ercüment Akdeniz, Delia Mattis on behalf of Black Lives Matter and John Rees from People’s Assembly.

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