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Rally to mark Turkey’s 90th anniversary

Rally to mark Turkey’s 90th anniversary

Republican rallyTHE REPUBLICAN Power Union Platform of Britain is organizing a torchlight procession in London on the night of 29 October, the 90th anniversary of the Turkish republic.

The platform, which is composed of the support of the British Union of Turkish Youth, the Ataturk Thought Association of Britain, the Turkish Cypriot Association, the Anatolian Cultural Centre and the Association of Pekünlüler residents are holding this procession to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Turkish Republic.

The meeting point for the procession has been announced as Ferntower Road in Newington Green. Those who would like to attend, are invited to come to the sidewalk between William Hill and the Paradise Fish Bar.

The procession is planned to commence at 18:45 with a moment of silence and the singing of the national anthem. These will be followed my the reading of the morning oath that has just been removed by the Democratization Package of the governing Justice and Development Party, a press release and the singing of further anthems.

At 19:23 the Platform aims to light the first torchlight to represent “The Fire of Independence, Unity and Freedom”. The torchlights and their fuels will be provided by the Platform for £5.

The procession, which will start at 19.25 will proceed to Abney Hall on Church Street in Stoke Newington. There are plans to have further festivities with live music and food at Abney Hall.

The event is scheduled to end at 10pm.

The platform invites all who would like to have more information to call 07961953300.


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