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Queen ‘humbled and touched’ by Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Queen ‘humbled and touched’ by Platinum Jubilee celebrations

The Queen has said she was “humbled and deeply touched” by the Platinum Jubilee celebrations held across the UK.

In a “thank you” letter after a concluding pageant in London, she said she remained committed to serving as monarch with the support of her family.

The Queen said despite not being at every event marking her 70-year reign: “My heart has been with you all.”

She was joined by three generations of her family on the Buckingham Palace balcony for the finale of the pageant.

Her appearance rounded off a huge star-studded procession along The Mall which saw carnival floats celebrating the seven decades of her reign.

Millions of people also held Jubilee parties and street lunches in towns and cities across the UK on the final day of the four-day bank holiday weekend.

In a statement issued as the long weekend’s events drew to a close, the Queen, who is 96, said she had been inspired by the kindness, joy and kinship she had seen over during the four-day celebration.

It said: “When it comes to how to mark 70 years as your Queen, there is no guidebook to follow. It really is a first. But I have been humbled and deeply touched that so many people have taken to the streets to celebrate my Platinum Jubilee.

“While I may not have attended every event in person, my heart has been with you all; and I remain committed to serving you to the best of my ability, supported by my family.

“I have been inspired by the kindness, joy and kinship that has been so evident in recent days, and I hope this renewed sense of togetherness will be felt for many years to come.

“I thank you most sincerely for your good wishes and for the part you have all played in these happy celebrations.”

It was signed, Elizabeth R.

Sunday’s pageant began with a military parade with personnel from the UK’s armed forces and from across the Commonwealth.

The 260-year-old Gold State Coach which carried the Queen to her coronation in 1953 rode through the streets, with the Queen appearing as a hologram inside.

As the floats made their way past during the two hour show, Prince Charles, Prince William and Prince George – the next three generations of monarchs – all watched from the royal box.

The event rounds off a long weekend of celebrations across the UK.

Saturday night saw affectionate tributes from the Prince of Wales and national figures during the evening’s Platinum Party at the Palace.

Stars including Diana Ross, George Ezra, Queen and Elbow performed in front of a crowd of about 22,000, and an average of nearly 12 million people in the UK watched the show on BBC One.

The Queen, who has been experiencing mobility problems in recent months, was not able to attend the event herself.

But she kicked off the event with a pre-filmed comedy sketch showing her sharing a pot of tea with Paddington Bear, where they both confessed to carrying around a marmalade sandwich.

The Platinum Jubilee events began on Thursday, with Trooping the Colour – at which the Queen also appeared on the balcony.

There was a service of thanksgiving on Friday, which she was unable to attend because of discomfort she felt on Thursday.

She had to cancel her appearance at the Epsom Derby on Saturday for the same reason.


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