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Day-Mer celebrated International Women

ON Saturday 5 March members of the community attended an evening event organised by Day-Mer to celebrate International Women’s Day.

Performances by Suna Lana, Day-Mer Women’s Choir were given as well as theatre plays and talks held to shed light on the struggle women face in their daily lives. Artwork made by members was also displayed where members expressed their views and feeling through different mediums.

The Women’s day event also saw a number of the members take part in a march held in central London during the day, where tens of thousands of people walked the street with banners and shouting slogans calling for an end to injustices women face.

In a statement prior the even Day-Mer said: “This year, as every year, we call on all women to defend our rights and increase the struggle. With our enthusiasm, our slogans, we will turn every place into the field of March 8th… Give voice to our voice, strengthen our strength!”

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