EREN Simal, who lives in Suffolk, England, passed away following his fight with cancer since 2016. It was stated that 18-year-old Turkish Cypriot, had beaten cancer 5 times.
Eren Simal’s father Hüseyin Simal announced the sad news on his social media page on Wednesday, October 13. “My dear beautiful son, it has been 4 years since he fought cancer, the cancer came back 5 times, he had 5 major surgeries, and he did not cry even once. He fought cancer every minute, until 1 week ago, when the doctor said to Eren, “I’m sorry, but you’re dying”, my child’s answer was, “I’m sorry, doctor, but I don’t feel that way”. After the doctor left, he turned to me and said to me, ‘Dad, don’t worry, I won’t stop fighting’. Unfortunately, we lost our Eren at 11:00 today. We are proud of you Eren, may God grant everyone a son like you, if I were to be a father 100 times, I would like to have a son like you. May the place you lie in be heaven, sleep in the light, I hope we will meet one day son.”