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Peray Ahmet officially appointed leader of Haringey Council

Peray Ahmet officially appointed leader of Haringey Council

Cllr Peray Ahmet was officially appointed as the new Leader of Haringey Council at the Annual General Meeting last night and pledged to give local people a major voice in the decisions that affect their lives.

Cllr Ahmet takes over from Cllr Joseph Ejiofor, following a vote held at the Haringey Labour AGM on May 10.

Having been brought up in Wood Green, Cllr Ahmet attended Woodside High School and understands the values of the diverse community across Haringey.

The boroughs first Turkish Cypriot leader Ahmet said: “I am thrilled and honoured to have been elected the new Leader of Haringey Council. I am one of the first Haringey Leaders to have been born and raised in the borough and it’s shaped how I see things and how I want to see things done.

“This is a unique area, and it makes it even more special for me that I am now able to lead our great borough – I grew up in Wood Green and now live here in Tottenham. Haringey’s my home.

“We need a council that knows its people, that listens – really listens – and collaborates with them.

“We’re not here to do things to or for people – we’re here to work with them to make things happen. I want to see Haringey become a truly, genuinely collaborative council. It’s how we’ll achieve the kind of change we were elected for.”


Cllr Ahmet has appointed the following cabinet members to work alongside her:

Cllr Mike Hakata – Cabinet Member for Environment, Transport and the Climate Emergency and Deputy Leader of the Council

Cllr John Bevan – Cabinet Member for Planning, licensing and housing services

Cllr Zena Brabazon – Cabinet Member for Early years, children and families

Cllr Seema Chandwani – Cabinet Member for Customer Service, Welfare and the Public Realm

Cllr Lucia Das Neves – Cabinet Member for Health, social care and well-being

Cllr Julie Davies – Cabinet Member for Employment, Skills and corporate services

Cllr Isidoros Diakides – Cabinet Member for Finance and transformation

Cllr Ruth Gordon – Cabinet Member for House Building, place-making and Development



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