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More than half of UK businesses don’t use social media

6 out of 10 companies haven’t used yet Social media According to polls, to boost their customer base.

Despite being one of the most popular forms of communication, a survey of 500 owners of small and medium-sized organizations found that more than a quarter did not post.

Four in ten don’t make the most of Instagram to sell their products or services, but only two in ten posts to LinkedIn, the UK’s largest professional networking website.

It also became clear that 40% were completely unaware of how to advertise themselves. business.

On the other hand, some say they don’t know how to create an online profile, while others don’t understand SEO (search engine optimization).

As a result, nearly one-third seek advice from others, making friends and family the first port of call.

According to a survey, 37% rate websites as the most important marketing tool for people to find them and find out who they are.

The third value of having a social media profile presence, while others rely on having online reviews and offline presence as a way to promote their business.

However, nearly half of the owners who voted through OnePoll admit that they could have made more money if they sold property online.

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