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KTGAB: “Young people are the custodians of our past and our future”

KTGAB: “Young people are the custodians of our past and our future”

Turkish Cypriot Youth and Family Association (KTGAB) chair Nafiya Horozoğlu shared a message for the 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day, saying:  “I commemorate all the heroes and martyrs, including Great Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

‘‘19 May, Resurrection of a nation, the first step towards freedom, entrusted to youth. The consciousness of national unity and solidarity, which started in Samsun and spread throughout the country, is the main element of Turkey’s achievement of salvation. It is extremely important for our young people who will shed light and enlighten the future, that this meaningful day is presented as a holiday dedicated to our youth and sports.

I would like to share a quote that Atatürk said to the young people and that I love very much: “A clean generation is growing from the bosom of the nation. I will leave this work to him and I will not leave my eyes!” As long as we remain in the light of reason and science and do not lose our faith in democracy, those who want to direct us and those who want to create a separation will never and never achieve their goals. The beauty of democracy, the polyphony and the light of science are the youth. We are the reflection of compromise, tolerance and sharing. Young people are the guardians of our past and the trustees of our future.

As the Turkish Cypriot Youth and Family Association England, we will not disappoint the trust in us, we will not forget our wishes and principles. Happy 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day. “


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