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31 police officers face £200 fines after breach covid-19 rules to get haircuts

31 police officers face £200 fines after breach covid-19 rules to get haircuts

A group of 31 Metropolitan Police officers are facing £200 fines after breaching Covid-19 regulations to get haircuts at an east London police station.

Earlier this month, the Met received an allegation a number of officers had their hair cut by a professional barber while at Bethnal Green police station on Sunday January 17.

A local investigation was launched and the 31 officers who had their haircut each face a £200 fixed penalty notice.

Two officers, who were involved in organising the activity, have also been identified and notified they are under investigation for misconduct.

Local policing commander, Detective Chief Superintendent Marcus Barnett, said: “It is deeply disappointing and frustrating that my officers have fallen short of the expectation to uphold Covid-19 regulations. Although officers donated money to charity as part of the haircut, this does not excuse them from what was a very poor decision. I expect a lot more of them.

“It is right therefore, officers should each face a £200 fine, as well as misconduct action for those two who organised this event.

“Quite rightly, the public expect police to be role models in following the regulations which are designed to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. I hope this action proves that police are not immune to enforcement of the rules, and we are prepared as an organisation to take action if we see officers have behaved irresponsibly.”


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