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Five men jailed for drug supply in Harrow

Five men jailed for drug supply in Harrow

Image L-R: Abdigani Mohammed, Said Hussain, Zakariah Bani


Five men have been sentenced to a total of more than 34 years’ imprisonment following an operation targeting organised crime and class A drug supply in the Harrow and Wealdstone area.

The men appeared at Harrow Crown Court on Wednesday, 23 December, where they pleaded guilty and were sentenced as follows:

Abdulla Abdulla, 27,  was sentenced to nine years and five months’ imprisonment for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, namely heroin and crack cocaine.

Abdigani Mohammed, 34, was sentenced to six years and seven months’ imprisonment for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, namely heroin and crack cocaine. Mohammed also received a further sentence of one year and three months’ imprisonment for dangerous driving to run concurrently, as well as being disqualified from driving for five years and four months.

Zakariah Bani, 21,  was sentenced to six years and seven months’ imprisonment for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, namely heroin and crack cocaine.

Said Hussain21, was sentenced to six years and five months’ imprisonment for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, namely heroine and crack cocaine.

Darren Farmer, 43, was sentenced to five years and 10 months’ imprisonment for conspiracy to supply class A drugs, namely heroin and crack cocaine.

The court heard how Specialist Crime Officers launched Operation Balashikha in May 2019 after receiving intelligence about class A drug supply activity in Harrow.

On 23 September 2019, officers spotted Abdulla Abdulla [A] and Abdigani Mohammed [B] travelling in a vehicle together in Church Road, Stanmore. Officers attempted to stop the vehicle, however both men decamped and ran off. After a short foot chase, officers detained and arrested both men. A search of the vehicle revealed a quantity of cash as well as a bundle of class A drugs in the passenger door pocket – 10 wraps of heroin and 11 wraps of crack cocaine.

Detectives then analysed their mobile phone data, and found evidence incriminating the five men.

On 24 September 2019, warrants were then carried out at the addresses of the remaining suspects – Said Hussein, Darren Farmer and Zakariah Bani – and all three were arrested.


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