Islington Council is working to ensure the health of young people is protected by piloting a voluntary smoking ban amongst parents at children’s playgrounds.
Islington Council is working to ensure the health of young people is protected by piloting a voluntary smoking ban amongst parents at children’s playgrounds.
The council is asking parents to be considerate to young users of smoke-free park playgrounds – at Fortune Street Gardens, Whittington Park and Paradise Park – and not smoke in these areas where kids are running about.
To launch the initiative, the council held an event at Fortune Street Park with tips for healthy living and advice for people wanting to quit smoking. Islington Council was joined by Arsenal in the Community, GLL and the NHS Islington.
Cllr Claudia Webbe, Islington Council’s executive member for environment said: “We know smoking is bad for our health, and to smoke around children when they don’t have a choice about this is not just anti-social, it sets a bad example.
“I want adults to do the responsible thing and avoid smoking in our parks where children and young people are playing.”
Julie Billett Director of Public Health added: “This is the latest initiative in Islington to protect the health of young people in the borough. By making these playgrounds smoke-free, we are continuing to give children a chance to enjoy play facilities without being exposed to other people’s smoke.”