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“Muharrem Matemi is a history that resists and leaves hope for the oppressed after resisting”


12 days of fasting was held at the UK Alevi Cultural Center and Cemevi within the scope of the Month of Muharrem which was opened with rose bangs.

In this month, the Alevi community commemorates the historic battle of Karbala, where Prophet Mohammad’s grandson was killed during a siege.

Lokma was shared after the members of the Cemevi Faith Board, Yadigâr Arslan and Kazım Yıldırım, raised evidence.

Zeynel Akdoğan, chair of the England Alevi Cultural Center and Cemevi, and İsrafil Erbil, the chair of the British Alevi Federation, along with members of the Alevi community also attended the fourth Muharrem fast held on Sunday, August 23.

Erbil shared a bite at the Alevi Culture and Cemev in Wood Green, gave information about Muharrem Matemi saying:

“Muharrem Matemi is actually history, a document and the name of a society that resisted primarily for Alevis but all over the world, leaving hope for the oppressed after they resisted. As Alevis, we display a serious sensitivity to this issue, we are a sensitive society and we are experiencing and feeling the pain of this. We take on pain and mourning as if we lost a loved one or a relative in our house. Naturally, our fasts are not only to not eat and drink water but also to fasting against your greed, hostility, self and all your grudges. Especially, to raise this awareness, to symbolize it, to pass it on to future generations as a resistance and a peace despite all oppression. In fact, this mourning is crowned with Ashura, which shows that people can live in peace despite all these evils.”

“The boiling of all colours and differences in a cauldron-like Aşure; We fast in the hope that all colours and differences will be able to live in peace… Then, we share our cooked Aşure with the soul. Sharing Aşure is more than food that is really a symbol of peace and unity, where resentments and resentments are put aside.

“After fasting, we leave behind a day of unity, solidarity and affection. During Muharrem Matem, these Lokma are shared in our institutions in Britain… ”


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