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3-magnitude earthquake hits the English channel

3-magnitude earthquake hits the English channel

An earthquake off the UK coast with a 3-magnitude tremor has hit the English channel.

It is understood that the centre of the tremor was 50km east of Eastbourne this morning (August 13) at around 9.05 pm.

According to the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC), which provides alerts on earthquake activity in Europe, the tremor was registered as 3.0 on the Richter scale.

The Richer scale is used throughout the world to measure the power of earthquakes.

According to the scale, a measurement of 3.0 would be considered a minor tremor, which can be felt if you are normally sitting down.

The depth of the earthquake was 7km underground and was registered in Camber Sands, 34km away, and Lewes, 72km away.



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