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IADD: “Sivas Massacre will never be forgotten”

IADD: “Sivas Massacre will never be forgotten”

THE Sivas Massacre, an arson attack took place on  July 2, 1993, it was staged by a militant radical Islamists at the Madımak Hotel that killed 33 intellectuals and two hotel personnel, commemorations taking place on its 26th anniversary.

During the Pir Sultan Abdal Festival organized by Pir Sultan Abdal Culture Association in Sivas 33 writers, including Asım Bezirci, Nesimi Çimen, Muhlis Akarsu, Behçet Aysan, Uğur Yanar, Metin Altıok and Hasret Gültekin, as well as two hotel workers were killed by radical.

In a statement made by Jale Özer the chair of the Atatürk Society UK (IADD) the following was underlined: “27 years ago this massacre actually made our intellectuals and artists of modern Turkey’s road to enlightenment string. However, those who say “they” should die… should know that Sivas’s light never went out and will never be extinguished. On the contrary, their ideas, their thoughts will always enlighten us, we will have light.

In order to avoid this pain again; what we have today to show the way out of the darkness to the light and to transform the language of hate into love. This way, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in the light of science and reason shown to us without bothering each other, different ideas, ideas which considered wealth, religion and sect, as separation from believers and unbelievers, secular, democratic, modern, and disseminate all the enlightenment to our country fought for the survival of the modern Republic of Turkey.

The Atatürk Society UK is aware, 27 years ago we lost in Sivas, and each of who was the cornerstone of the enlightenment of the modern Republic of Turkey. Our people who lost their life during this massacre will always be remembered. Thus, we promise once again that we will continue our struggle for the survival of the secular and modern Republic of Turkey.”


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