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Bypasses film ‘sickening’ attack on police officers in Hackney

Bypasses film ‘sickening’ attack on police officers in Hackney

Witnesses who stopped to take selfies and film a “sickening” attack on police officers in east London have been labelled “cowards” by the chairman of the Police Federation.

Video shared on social media showed an officer pinned down on the ground and being kicked, while his colleague is pushed when she tries to intervene.

Several men, including one with a baseball bat, are seen surrounding the officers swearing, shouting and filming on their phones, with one appearing to take a selfie during the assault.


Both officers suffered minor injuries in the incident, in Frampton Park Road, Hackney, at around 3.30pm on Wednesday, Scotland Yard said.

They had been flagged down by a member of the public who said they had been attacked and pointed them towards the suspects, a spokeswoman added.

Sharing the video on social media, John Apter, chairman of the Police Federation, said: “Horrific, stomach churning scenes.

“Disgusting behaviour from those who attack the officers, those who film what’s going on and those who do nothing. They are cowards, the lot of them.”


Two men have been arrested after a video of an attack on two police officers in Hackney, east London, was shared on social media, the Metropolitan Police said.

The Metropolitan Police Federation, which represents rank-and-file officers, said attacks on officers seem to be increasing, adding: “Yet again this starkly shows the dangers metpoliceuk face and the bravery they show each and every day keeping Londoners safe.”

Chairman Ken Marsh said: “We are not society’s punchbags. We have families we want to go home to at the end of every shift. But the dangers are stark. And seemingly escalating.”


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