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London Waterloo named UK’s busiest station for 16th year in a row

London Waterloo named UK’s busiest station for 16th year in a row

London Waterloo has been named the UK’s busiest station for the 16th year running, according to new figures.

The Office of Rail and Road published a new report showing that 94.2 million passengers used the station in the 2018/19 period.

Only one of the top 10 most used stations was outside of London, with Birmingham New Street sitting in fifth position – seeing 47.9 million ticket-holders during the year.

The least used stations in the country saw 0.0005 per cent the traffic of Waterloo.

Greater Manchester’s Denton station and Cheshire’s Stanlow and Thornton both saw just 46 people pass through in the year to March 31, 2019.

Only one other stop – Reddish South – saw double-digit foot traffic, with just 60 people using it.

It is on the same line as Denton and all three are operated by Northern.

Glasgow Central retained its position as Scotland’s most used station, with its 32.8 million passengers putting it at number 11 in the overall ranking.

The busiest station in Wales was Cardiff Central with 14.2 million entries and exits.

The estimates are largely based on ticket sales.

Last year’s least used station, North Yorkshire’s British Steel Redcar, saw its annual number of entries and exits increase from 40 to 360.

The ORR said the rise for the Redcar station may be due to it attracting visitors keen to see the least used station in the 2017/18 rankings.


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