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Haringey council celebrates Finsbury Parks 150th year

Haringey council celebrates Finsbury Parks 150th year

FINSBURY Park has just turned 150 and residents have been celebrating in style.

Events were held between August 1 and 11 to mark the milestone, including a free outdoor screening of Dirty Dancing, a family fun day, and the opening of a new 8+ playground, with a stunning performance from the Dimensions Entertainment dance troupe getting everyone on their feet.

The park’s birthday on 7 August saw the opening of the newly-restored McKenzie Gardens, featuring a commemorative 150th-anniversary plinth. The Mayors of Haringey and Islington and the Speaker of Hackney did the honours, as well as Cllr Kirsten Hearn, Haringey’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Sustainability.

Cllr Kirsten Hearn, Haringey’s Cabinet Member for Climate Change & Sustainability, said: “It was absolutely brilliant to see residents from Haringey, Hackney and Islington getting together to celebrate our fantastic park. The mood has been absolutely fabulous and a really fitting way to mark the last 150 years of Finsbury Park. In Haringey, we have some amazing parks and open spaces and I would encourage everyone to get out and enjoy them. I’d like to thank our dedicated parks team for all their hard work. Here’s to the next 150 years.”

Mayor of Haringey, Cllr Sheila Peacock, said: “There was a real community spirit at the park throughout the celebrations. Finsbury Park has been a really important part of Haringey’s past and I was so pleased to be able to mark its 150 milestones. Happy birthday, Finsbury Park!”


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