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Cllr Erbil and BAF helping to keep Edmonton clean

SOME 50 volunteers gather together in the Edmonton Green and Edmonton Angle on the Thursday 25 April, to clean up the area from litter. Helping to keep his ward clean Cllr Ergin Ebril was out with the volunteers cleaning up the community.

The project was organised by the British Alevi Federation along with Enfield Council and a large number of religious groups, organisation and associations. Those involve were Reverend Valentin Dedji from the Edmonton Methodist Church, Adam and volunteers from the Mevlana Rumi Mosque, Edmonton Green Ward Safer Neighbourhood Team, Councillors and residents who also volunteered.

Speaking of the successful cleanup project Cllr Erbil said “…All volunteers worked together to make this project a success!

Special thanks goes to the British Alevi Federation and volunteers for organising this event with Enfield Council”

Local councillors Mustafa Cetinkaya and British Alevi Federation leader İsrafil Erbil were also taking part of the cleanup.

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