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Enfield’s Meridian Water event

Enfield’s Meridian Water event

Enfield Council is holding two free information events where people can find out more about Meridian Water and its progress.

The events are taking place at Angel Community Centre, 48 Raynham Road, Edmonton, on Tuesday 23 April between 3-7.30pm and Saturday 18 May between 10am and 4pm.

The £6 billion Meridian Water project will deliver 10,000 homes, 6,000  jobs, a new station and critical supporting infrastructure in the heart of Enfield.

Work is nearly complete on the new train station, which is due to open in May and visitors to the events will be able to see images and models of what the project will look like and find out more about what’s in the pipeline.

At the first event, the Council will also like to find out attendees views on its Housing Infrastructure Fund bid and the Phase Two Planning Application and at the second it would like to get views on health facilities for Meridian Water.

The project team will be at both of the events to provide information and answer any questions residents may have.

Enfield Council’s Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, said: “This is a great opportunity for people to find out more about one of the most exciting developments in London.

“We are forging ahead with Meridian Water and we are keen to showcase our plans to the world, so this gives people in the borough the chance to come along and find out about this amazing project which will be changing the face of Enfield for years forever.”


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