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Holiday and medicine in one

Turks and Turkish Cypriots in increasing numbers are preparing to visit Turkey from across Europe for holidays and medical treatments.

Ercan Cevheroğlu

The Istanbul-based Yuvam Health Tourism offers medical services in Turkey through an experienced, expert team. In areas such as IVF, dental hygiene, plastic surgery and sight and vision, Yuvam has emerged as one of Turkey’s leading health service providers.

It owes its reputation in no small part to its reliability and its reasonable prices. The firm not only provides health treatments, but arranges their hospital appointments and hotel bookings, and arranges airport transfers as well.


Ercan Cevheroğlu, the managing director of Yuvam Health Tourism, told Londra Gazete that they offer services in English and French as well as Turkish.

He said Turkey was a rising market in health tourism and that there was a need for such services to be well-organised and administered, as with his firm.

All treatments from Yuvam, including IVF, are conducted by expert doctors and implemented through a bespoke programme developed after consulting the patient on the recommended approach.

Mr Cevheroğlu, who is an experienced name in health tourism, said it was becoming increasingly common for Turkish expatriates in Europe to combine holidays with health treatments, and that there were many places from Istanbul to Antalya that did this.

Thermal tourism is another growing industry, he said, with orthopaedic, physical and advanced aged treatments increasing in popularity.

Prospective patients looking for health treatments on their summer holidays should contact Yuvam Health Tourism on +90 212 607 0371.

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