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YTB opening weekend schools in 15 countries

THE Overseas Turks and Relative Communities Presidency (YTB) initiated the Anadolu Weekend Schools Project Support Program, will be opening weekend schools across 15 different countries with the aim to provide development in learning the mother tongue and culture of children and young people living abroad. The program, aimed at protecting the identity, culture and values of citizens living abroad, being active in the countries where they live, and maintaining their ties with their homeland, has been rehearsed by NGOs abroad to be financially supported by YTB.


Among the priorities of the program, the first order is getting competence in the mother tongues of children and young people living abroad. Young people’s social, cultural and intellectual aspects of development and Turkey diagnosed by homeland with their targets Anatolia Weekend Schools Linking Project Support Program, non-governmental organisations working in the field of education, training non-profit organisations and companies can apply with their projects.

The support package for the agreed projects will include instructors, project executives, payments for social and cultural events, and curriculum and material support. Applicant institutions must also indicate the number of target students in the region where the project will be implemented and the need for the project at the time of application. Project applications will be open to the USA, Germany, Austria, Belgium, England, Denmark, Finland, France, Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Norway, Netherlands and Australia.


The programs on the weekend school candidates’ projects need to be planned with 2 hours per week in Turkish, one hour history, one hour religion or values education and one hour cultural / arts course or activity for 5 hours. The activity schedule is set to be at least 32, at most 40 weeks. The fact that the classes are made up of groups of 15-25 people and that the age range of the students is 6-9, 10-13 and 14-17 are among the requirements of the candidate projects.


Project applications will continue through the internet until 30 June. The interested parties must first register for membership at and then apply to the project system by filling in the required forms for application by entering the project system with membership information. Detailed information about the program can be found at

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