FOLLOWING International Women’s Day a panel organised titled “Women and Success” will be take place on March 16th by the Atatürk Society UK (IADD) held in London. Sema Eren-Nijhar will direct the panel and the opening speech by IADD President Jale Özer Swailes. Speakers who will be participating in the panel are Prof. Dr. Belma Otus, Solicitor Fidan Osoy, and Regent’s University Instructor Elif Toker-Turnalar.
The panel will be held at Azerbaijan House 228 Kingsland Road London E2 8AX the details of the program in the press bulletin sent from IADD regarding the panel are as follows:
“Atatürk Society UK will be organising a panel titled “Women and Success” between 7-9pm on Friday March 16, 2018, due to World Women’s Day. The panel will be held in Azerbaijan House and will be directed by Semra Eren-Nijhar and Prof. Dr.Balma Ötüş-Baskett, Fidan Osoy, and Elif Toker Turnalar will be attending as speakers. The panel is open to everyone but registration will be strictly required due to seats being restricted. If you are interested please call for more information on 07482250486”