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Mevlit for Küçük and Denktaş from Limasollular

A MEMORIAL ceremony and a reading of Mevlit were held by Limasollular Association UK and Turkish Islamic Foundation in London at Cyprus Garden for the most important founders of North Cyprus, President Rauf Denktaş and Dr. Fazıl Küçük.

Mevlit for Küçük and Denktaş from Limasollular

A MEMORIAL ceremony and a reading of Mevlit were held by Limasollular Association UK and Turkish Islamic Foundation in London at Cyprus Garden for the most important founders of North Cyprus, President Rauf Denktaş and Dr. Fazıl Küçük.

On January 17, 2017, the representative of TRNC London Representative Zehra Başaran, TRNC London Consul Ülkü Alemdar, Turkish Islamic Foundation President Tevfik Zekai, Limasollular Association UK President Arife Retvan, CTCA President Leyla Kemal and members of the Turkish Cypriot community participated.

At the respectable posting for the two important leaders. Arife Retvan, President of the Limasollular UK Association, said that the two great public heroes have both politically and socially provided great services:

“In the same month, Fazıl Küçük lost his life 34 years ago and Rauf Denktaş 6 years ago. Both our leaders have a great deal of service on the society as well as in the political Cyprus case. I would like to thank everyone who has contributed the smallest effort and contribution to the preparation and presentation of this special evening tonight, and I wish that our unforgettable leaders and martyrs will be blessed by God. ”

The TRNC London representative Zehra Başaran, who was invited to make a speech, said that the two leaders are a valuable example to the people who have struggled for life and freedom.

“The Turkish Cypriot people are a hawk who first gave a struggle for life and freedom by clinging around Dr. Fazıl Küçük and then Rauf Denktaş. Our leaders are Dr. Fazıl Küçük and Rauf Denktaş and their colleagues pointed to the coming of the good days if we had given hope, guided and struggled in unity and solidarity in the days when life was impossible. A Turkish Cypriot state was born from the blood of the Turkish people. I wish health and well-being to our veterans who survived by fighting in this cause while the Turkish Cypriots fight with the gratitude and mercy of our community leaders and their mates and their martyrs who have given their lives. We have not forgotten you and will not forget. ”

A documentary showing the life of the late Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the founder of the TRNC, Rauf Denktaş, was shown. After the documentary show, the program ended after the Mevlit and the readings.


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