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TWPA Seminar on “long-term diseases”


THE TURKISH Women’s Philanthropic Association of England (TWPA) continued its seminars with “Long Term Diseases “. On Friday December 8th, saw a presentation on “Long Term Diseases” and “Patient Rights” by PALS Staff Sevilay Kazim and Tanya Mackessy from North Middlesex University Hospital NHS.

PALS Officer Sevilay Kazim, is an expert in her field, mentioned the key things that need to be looked out for in the long term discomfort, saying:

“Long-term illnesses may require intensive and serious care. It is very important that the patient looks after themselves… As you know London’s air is pretty dirty. This is especially bad for anyone with asthma problems…

We eat, we drink so weight control is very important. Weight is unfortunately the main enemy of long-lasting illnesses. That is why it is these situations not only the patient but also their relatives should pay attention to…

In general, you will notice that doctors always recommend a glass of wine a day. Some of us, unfortunately, do not understand it correctly. You have to use everything in the correct dosage.”

Talking about the benefits of natural products “You can even make tea from your home grown plants, for example by using mint, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, lemon, adding cold water on top of it, as well as hot water to make beautiful aromatic teas. If we think healthy and eat healthily then we won’t be scared of any disease”.

TWPA President Ayşe Doğan thanked everyone who participate: “The seminar we conducted today is provided use with very useful knowledge. PALS Officer Sevilay Kazim and Tanya Mackessy shared important information on what we need to do about diseases and the rights we have for long-term illnesses.” The next and final seminar will be on December 15th the last seminar will be filled with fun and a raffle draw.

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