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Fake MI5 agent smothered victim to death with cling film jailed for 39 years

Fake MI5 agent smothered victim to death with cling film jailed for 39 years

Fake MI5 agent smothered victim to death with cling film jailed for 39 years

A sadistic killer who was caught on camera torturing a vulnerable gay man in his own home was today jailed for at least 39 years.

Jason Marshall, 29, posed as an MI5 agent then stripped, gagged, handcuffed and smothered 58-year-old Peter Fasoli with cling film.

Mr Fasoli begged for his life when Marshall threatened him with a knife before killing him.

He stole his bank cards and PIN numbers, and torched his flat in Northolt, west London, to cover his tracks in January 2013.

Marshall then fled to Italy, where he killed again and attacked a third man before being caught.

Mr Fasoli’s death was put down as an accident until his nephew stumbled across harrowing webcam footage of his last hours on his uncle’s computer hard drive.

Following a trial at the Old Bailey, Marshall, from East Ham, east London, was found guilty of murder and arson.

Judge Nicholas Hilliard QC today sentenced him to life with a minimum of 39 years for the “sadistic” killing.

He said: “I am sure you were motivated by a desire to cause Mr Fasoli pain without his consent, which would be a significantly greater source of pleasure or gratification to you.

“You tortured him for so long because you enjoyed it so much.

“I’m sure that you can have felt no remorse whatsoever for what you have done.

“On the contrary, you derived pleasure from it.”

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