As a leading community centre for the Turkish Cypriots along with all other Turkish speaking communities, Turkish Cypriot Community Association held their annual general meeting with the attendance of the committee members and associate guests.
Taking place at the association’s centre in Haringey Green Lanes, the committee talked about new action plans alongside prospective ideas for future events. TCCA President Onur İbrahim, in his speech, tackled prospective plans to achieve including ones planned for the further future.
“We shall talk our past projects with our members in hopes of getting some feedback from them – we do have a form for committee election and therefore we are looking to find real beneficial people to become members.
“Our charity stands for being a centre that thrives to pass our culture on next generations by maintaining our cultural heritage with events, courses, philanthropic aspirations and more. In the new term we will come up with special events for 13-19 year olds.”
Mr İbrahim also highlighted the news on prospective new jobs for those who are in need, under the TCCA. He announced that as an association that supports more than 250 individuals, TCCA shall carry on being an important part of the community by offering different events, courses and more in the new season.
The AGM, in the end, agreed on having these names on the board of directors: Onur İbrahim, Hakkı Sezer Tilki, Yeşim Seyhan, Turkay Hadji-Filippou, Niyazi Enver, Süleyman Fuat, İsmail Karamustafa, Osman Ercan, Hüseyin Osman, Mustafa Korel, Yaşar İsmailoğlu and Mehmet Mahmut.