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ADDP calls out for solidarity against terror

ATATÜRKÇÜ Düşünce Dünya Platformu (Ataturk Ideology World Platform) published a written statement inviting all Ataturk followers to gather together around solidarity to stand against the rising terror attacks in the globe.

The written statement tackled the neglecting of justifying any sort of terrorist enterprise as follows:

“No matter what aim or opinion is seeded in it, terror is terror and it can never be softened nor justified. The latest events happened in Stockholm, Dortmund and Diyarbakır showed that fighting against terror is a humanity duty… We have embraced Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s famous saying ‘Peace in country; peace in World.” And therefore are very mindful about embalming this ideology.

“We condemn any sort of terror in the world and thrive to do our best to raise awareness to fight against it.”

The press release also reminded the readers about the upcoming enterprises of ADDP as the statement suggested new events like panels, discussions and conferences are on their way to meet the London communities and beyond.


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