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London parents could face ban on taking kids to school by car

Parents who use a car on the school run will be fined up to £130 in parts of London to tackle air pollution and dangerous driving, the Standard has learned.

London parents could face ban on taking kids to school by car

Parents who use a car on the school run will be fined up to £130 in parts of London to tackle air pollution and dangerous driving, the Standard has learned.

The unprecedented action is being taken around two primaries and could be copied across the capital as part of the escalating battle against toxic air. Cars will be banned from streets near the schools at morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up times and pupils will have to walk or cycle to lessons.

Hackney council is behind the “School Streets” intiative, at St John the Baptist C of E primary, Hoxton, and Tyssen community primary, Stamford Hill.

If popular it plans to extend the move which could spell the end of the school run, a significant contributor to rush-hour gridlock if it catches on.

Feryal Demirci, Hackney’s Cabinet member for neighbourhoods, transport and parks, told the Standard: “Too many children in Hackney are driven to school. It’s bad for air quality and it’s bad for their health.

The penalty will be £130, reduced to £65 if paid within 14 days. The first School Street will be Crondall Street outside St John the Baptist, starting in June, after consultation.


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