As being the British arm of ATSEF (The European Federation of Turkish Healthcare Professionals) and together with the equivalent associations in Germany, France, Austria, Holland and Cyprus, Anglo-Turkish Health Professionals Association (ATHPA) held an exclusive event in London, bringing members together to elect the new board of directors.
Presented and opened by one of the founding members Dr Müge Herrewegh-Trak, Mrs Herrewegh-Trak said they are well on their way on becoming a voice and a union for health professionals, which a lot more to achieve in the future.
“ATHPA is a young organisation, but has been very active on various fronts, such as supporting and guiding healthcare professionals with diplomas from Turkey, organising health advice days and seminars for the Turkish population, compiling a Turkish healthcare professional’s directory, producing patient information leaflets and promoting research. ATHPA has been supported by the T.C. London Embassy and the Consulate, as well as Baroness Meral Hussein-Ece. ATHPA invites healthcare professionals from all backgrounds to work together to achieve these goals.” She remarked.
General Secretary Dr. Ayfer Kahraman, pn the other hand urged young academics to attend the prospective meetings by summarising the new term targets. The President of the association Dr Yenal Dündar, also highlighted the fact that ATHPA is supported by the Turkish Consulate and Embassy by again urging members to be actively involved in the association.
Attending to the event, was also the CEO of “Turkish British Chamber of Commerce and Industry” (TBCCI) Yavuz Sökmen, who urged young people to take part in associations.
The meeting also reminded any applications who would like to submit their clinical studies’ presentations at the annual London ATHPA Academic Meeting, by highlighting the procedure. Those who are interested in taking part are kindly requested to send an e-mail to, outlining their studies’ standpoint.
In the end of the event, the board of directors are clarified as follows:
President: Dr Yenal Dündar, Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, MRCPsych, Mphil
General Secretary: Dr. Ayfer Kahraman, PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of RehabilitationSciences
Treasurer: Dr Müge Herrewegh, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, MRCPsych, PgDip in Psychoanalysis
For more information, please visit ATHPA’s website at: