Launch of new Childcare Choices website means parents now able to find available government support
Millions of parents can pre-register from today for the government’s new childcare offers, with the launch of a new Childcare Choices government website
In London around 310,000 families will be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare.
Through the site parents can also pre-register for email alerts that will notify them when they can apply, as well as providing details of existing government childcare offers.
Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Gauke, said:
“The Government is on the side of working families and our childcare support will cut thousands of pounds off bills for millions of households, as well as supporting parents to return to or remain in work.
“The new Childcare Choices website provides busy families with options that suit their needs, so they can clearly see which childcare offer works best for them. For the first time, we have brought all the childcare options together to make the process easier and simpler for families and childcare providers.”
Education Secretary, Justine Greening, said:
Two million working families will be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare. It will be gradually rolled out, with parents of children under two invited to enter the scheme first. By the end of the year, all eligible parents will be able to receive government top-ups of £2 for every £8 that a parent pays into their Tax-Free Childcare account. This will be open to all working parents across the UK with children under 12, or under 17 if disabled.