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New consul general to London talks to Londra Gazete

London’s new Consul General, Çınar Ergin, who has been recently appointed to his Office spoke to Londra Gazete, addressing to the Turkish speaking communities residing in London and wider UK.

Remarking that the Turkish Consulate isn’t only for official services but also to sustain the Turkish speaking communities’ contentedness and also to maintain a place where the communities can share their happiness and concerns.


Having worked at the Turkish Embassy before, Mr. Ergin remarked the dynamism and successes of Turkish speaking communities.

“I am always impressed by how dynamic and hard-working the Turkish speaking communities are here in London and in wider UK – this makes our people one of the key contributors to the economy and the diversity here in the UK.

“Given the successes of our community it is plain to see the every single individual’s  communaI visibility. am always beside our community as long as there are no intentions of discrimination and separitism.”

Consul General Ergin also tackled the physical structure and endurance of the Consulate building in Knightsbridge, addressing the concerns of the community over it being not sufficient to meet with visitors’ enquiries.

“People are right to be asking and wanting more from the consulate – I want to let everyone know that we are in the search for a better building with better physical circumstances but like everything, this has a process too and this should depend on a mutual respect.”


Referring to the venue of the upcoming referendum’s London base, Mr Ergin said the Hammersmith-based Nova Hotel has been the best decision after a careful consideration given the location and accessibility of the venue.

Mr Ergin also highlighted the fact that the consulate is for the Turkish speaking communities and is not an obstacle to get through, it is where concerns, comments and happiness is shared together at.

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