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Great news for Turkish Cypriots to obtain new IDs

Turkish Ministry of Interior Affairs announced that after Istanbul and Ankara 8 different points in the World will give Turkish Cypriots the opportunity to apply for an electronic ID.

The applications spots are clarified as London, Abu Dhabi, Brussels, Berlin, Rome along with Mersin and İzmir from Turkey.

Minister of Interior Affairs Kutlu Evren, speaking to Kıbrıs Postası, said that they value the Turkish Cypriots’ flexibility in abroad and therefore the government is pursuing their best to achieve that.

“IDs signify belonging – with this Project Turkish Cypriots living abroad will have a practical solution to obtain IDs with such easiness and security.”

Minister Evren also said they are hoping to clarify the number of Turkish Cypriots living abroad as a clear data has yet to been obtained.

Minister of Interior Affairs Kutlu Evren

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