Page 32 - Ramadan 2022
P. 32

32                                                                                                                                   LG RAMADAN 2022

                          Welcome Ramadan!

                   LORIOUS holy          We are wishing all our custom-
                   Ramadan is upon      ers a happy Ramadan and a very
                   us and it is a joyous   happy Eid al Fitr.
         Goccasion for us all. It
         is the time of the year that marks   WHO IS GIMA UK LIMITED?
         the most sacred month in Islamic   Gima UK Limited is an exam-
         culture.                       ple of exceptional success of
          As Muslims across the UK em-  hard-working migrants.
         bark on this journey, here at Gima   Established by two hard working
         UK we celebrate Ramadan just   individual, Mr Vehbi KELEŞ & Mr
         like many of our customers and   Erol ÖZKAN, who not only want-
         we always promote value for mon-  ed to be successful in business but
         ey, especially during this month.  also desired to serve, to do more
          We want to be part of your cele-  with the land they came from.
         brations, over the breakfast table   Since our establishment in
         for suhur in the mornings (before   September 1998,  Gima UK has
         dawn) and together during iftar   transformed from being a small
         (after sunset) are key events in   wholesale operator based in
         our family life during Ramadan.  Tottenham to activities involving
          Breaking fast with our dates   over 1,000 own label products,
         and teas we have endless dry   sole distributorship of many
         fruits and nuts to be enjoyed, to   well-known European and Turkish
         our Halal meat selections with   brands, state of the art storage
         our pickled sides for your dinner   and distribution centre in Barking
         table, our spices and seasoning   with over 250 employees!
         collection for you to pick from   Transition from a small operator
         adding flavour to any of your   to current size better explained
         meals this Ramadan.            when in our early years, Gima op-
          Not forgetting the celebration   erated from a warehouse with just
         of Eid al-Fitr together at the end   1,500 Square-foot of space, less
         of the month, a three-day fes-  than 10 employees, fewer than
         tivity where family and friends   150 lines and around 60 custom-
         join together, with our pastries,   ers! To now 90,000 Square-foot
         confectionary and beverage ready   warehouse, over 3,500 product
         and waiting to be enjoyed.     lines and reaching millions of   mated. Our imports from Turkey   brands and products.      to quite simply to consistently
          Here at Gima UK we are ready to   customers nationwide!     alone is nearly 25% of our volume   We have achieved so much, but a  provide and maintain leadership,
         enhance your kitchens with end-  We enjoyed our 20th anni-   business, not bad feat from such   great deal more to do a great deal   continually improve its products,
         less options all under one roof or   versary in 2018 but we feel our   humble beginnings. Growth like   more to be achieved.   services in order to satisfy our
         with a click of your finger to the   journey has just barely begun. The  this allows us to increase our                    valued customers and through
         door helping you enjoy Ramadan   point reached in 23 years is not   trading levels and present our   WHAT MAKES            them, our consumers! Our whole
         this year with ease.           an achievement to be underesti-  customers with a wider range of   IT WORK FOR US…          effort is to ensure ‘value for mon-
                                                                                                       Our experience, our knowledge   ey’ proposition is at the heart of
                                                                                                     of the industry means that you   everything we do.
                                                                                                     can be sure of getting the service,
                                                                                                     value and support that you need.    CUSTOMER IS KING!
                                                                                                     We have a large product portfolio   We use our industry knowledge
                                                                                                     consisting of over 3,500 products,   as leverage to achieve more. With
                                                                                                     which will give our customers,   knowledge comes the confidence,
                                                                                                     choice of quality as well as value   with confidence comes the invest-
                                                                                                     for money. Working with reputa-  ment both in terms of warehous-
                                                                                                     ble suppliers, manufacturers and   es, trucks etc but also investment
                                                                                                     with our own brands like Bodrum,   in people.
                                                                                                     Melis, Sultanim and Skanderbeg   It is fundamental for us to
                                                                                                     Gima UK became a permanent     nurture our relationship with our
                                                                                                     feature and an important member   customers to both parties’ mutual
                                                                                                     of the ethnic catering supplies   benefits. We want all our custom-
                                                                                                     industry.                      ers to feel the benefits of working
                                                                                                                                    with Gima UK and buying Gima
                                                                                                                GIMA UK             UK brand products. In our cus-
                                                                                                          MISSION STATEMENT         tomer eyes we want to be seen as
                                                                                                       ‘Making our brands, continental   an asset and key partner in their
                                                                                                     European and Eastern Mediter-  operations and lives.
                                                                                                     ranean food products common in   We keep it simple; we strictly
                                                                                                     everyday diet of the UK consum-  follow what we are meant to do
                                                                                                     er’                            and do it well, with all the focus
            Vehbi Keleş                                     Erol Ozkan                                 Gima UK is doing all it can   on customer requirements.
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