Page 16 - Ramadan 2022
P. 16
16 LG RAMADAN 2022
Prayer Rugs
Prayer rugs are not universally
used by Muslims, nor specifically
required in Islam. But they have
become a traditional way for many
Muslims to ensure the cleanliness
of their place of prayer, and to crea-
te an isolated space to concentrate
in prayer.
While some rugs are made in so-
lid colors, they are usually adorned.
The designs are often geometric,
floral, arabesque, or depict Islamic
landmarks such as the Ka’aba in
Mecca or Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jeru-
salem. They are usually designed so
that the rug has a definite “top” and
“bottom” the bottom is where the
worshipper stands, and the top po-
ints towards the direction of prayer. carpets when visiting Muslim
When the time for prayer comes, countries such as Turkey, Morocco
the worshipper lays the rug on or northern India.
the ground, so that the top points During the Ottoman and Mughal
Ten Prayers for Ramadan towards the direction of Mecca, dynasties, carpets were traded and
Saudi Arabia. After prayer, the rug
is immediately folded or rolled and were sometimes so intricate that
put away for the next use. This they were used as wall decorations
HEN Muslims fast from dawn to dusk and engage in the spiritual reflection of Allah-is ensures that the rug remains clean. rather than mats. Turkish rugs be-
one of the most easily identifiable aspects of the religion. Fasting, which is typically the The Muslim prayer mat is known came a sign of wealth and the most
avoidance of food and/or drink, is part of most world religions. But fasting in Ramadan is a as sajjadat as-salat in Arabic, na- valuable designs would be seen as
Wspecial part of the Islamic faith, one of its five pillars, and a time when rewards for fasting mazlik in Turkish, and janamaz in collectible items and given as gifts
and worship are bountiful. Urdu and Persian. to visiting nobles. Prayer mats have
A moment to connect with Allah, this can be done in a more private moment with just yourselves with Carpet weaving is an ancient traditionally been made from wool
more specific prayers or in a social setting, with family around the dinner table or with friends in a mosque tradition, and Islamic culture or cotton and silk, and their cost
praying together as one. transformed prayer rugs into an art varies greatly, but antique Turkish
With this in mind, here are ten prayers one can recite during Ramadan to become closer to Allah. form. For example, it is common rugs continue to hold a great deal
for tourists to want purchase of value.
THE PRAYERS FOR FASTING physical movements akin to those over again in the remembrance
INTENTION Muslims do during their five daily of Allah, is often thought to be tion with a similar meaning as ness of sins.
With most things in Islam, like prayers. part of the Sufi Islamic tradition, hallelujah.) Astaghfirullah, which
going for the spiritual pilgrimage In taraweeh prayers, a hafiz, when in fact it is an integral part means “I seek forgiveness from PRAYER FOR THE THIRD
of Hajj or even praying the five or one who has memorized the of all Muslims’ lives and especially Allah.” Allahu Akbar, or “Allah is 10 DAYS OF RAMADAN
daily prayers, fasting starts with Quran, recites one chapter of the important during Ramadan. the Greatest.” This particular prayer was
making a du’a, or prayer, for in- Qur’an each night while follow- recommended by the Prophet Mu-
tending to fast, which is called the ers stand behind and pray along. A great way to connect with PRAYER FOR THE FIRST 10
niyyat. This prayer serves as a no- Over the course of Ramadan, the Allah while doing all the mundane DAYS RAMADAN hammad to be recited during the
tice to Allah that you intend with Qur’an is recited in its entirety, chores of daily life (driving, wait- last 10 days Ramadan as much
your heart and soul to fast during one chapter at a time. As read- ing in line, preparing the evening Muslims scholars agree that as possible. It beseeches Allah to
Ramadan for His pleasure. It can ing the Quran (and finishing it, meal), is to recite over and over Ramadan is such a holy month forgive us, because Allah is indeed
be done once before the month is highly recommended during these short phrases: that any sort of prayer, whether it the best at forgiving humans for
begins, or it is recommended to Ramadan, attending taraweeh Subhan’allah, an expression used is a personal one from your heart their mistakes.
be done every morning at suhoor, prayers is a great way to absorb by Muslims to express strong or one from the Qur’an or other
the pre-dawn meal before fasting the virtues of the Quran in a con- feelings of joy or relief and recalls Islamic sacred texts, will surely be NIGHT OF POWER
begins. gregational setting. how everything Muslims have is received by Allah and the rewards As beneficial all prayers are
thanks to Allah. for those prayers will be numer- during Ramadan, any prayers
FORGIVENESS PRAYERS FOR ZIKR Alhamdulillah, or “Praise be to ous. recited on Laylat Al Qadr, or “The
Ramadan is a time when Mus- Zikr, or prayers recited over and Allah!” (It is a Qur’anic exclama- But the Prophet Muhammad Night of Power,” receive the most
lims are told through the Qur’an did recommend Muslims to recite reward. Laylat Al Qadr is one of
and in hadiths that Allah will certain du’as at particular times the holiest nights of Ramadan.
absolve them of their sins if they during Ramadan. It falls on the night of one of
engage in sincere worship and For example, during the first 10 the odd days during the last 10
repentance. days of the months, reciting the days of Ramadan and is widely
following prayer provides extra believed to fall on the 27th fast of
TARAWEEH PRAYERS benefits: “Rabbigh fir war hum wa the month. The night is com-
There are infinite prayers that anta khair ur rahimeen.” memorated as when the Prophet
Muslims recite during Ramadan Muhammad received the first
ones from the Quran, ones from PRAYER FOR THE SECOND revelation of the Quran.
hadiths, and others that compan- 10 DAYS OF RAMADAN
ions of the Prophets and Islamic This prayer, which is from the PERSONAL PRAYERS
scholars recited. But a special type Quran, was recommended by the IN RAMADAN
of prayer exclusive to the month Prophet Muhammad to be recited The key to praying during Rama-
of Ramadan are taraweeh prayers, as much as possible during the dan (or at any other time, for that
which are special prayers said second 10 days of Ramadan for matter), is praying sincerely with
at night after breaking fast with maximum rewards and forgive- all your heart and soul.