Page 37 - Londra Gazete Sayı 1109
P. 37

4                                                                                           Londra Gazete, 09 June  2022

                                                                        Millions of Londoners warned they

                                                                                     face bin collection chaos

                                                                        LONDONERS were on Wednes-
                                                                      day warned to brace for bin collec-
                                                                      tion chaos as staff at the capital’s
                                                                      largest rubbish tips announced
                                                                      strike action.
                                                                        Bins could pile high in south
                                                                      London after GMB Union mem-
                                                                      bers at waste transfer sites in
                                                                      Wandsworth     and   Battersea
                                                                      threatened to walk-out in a dis-
                                                                      pute over pay.
                                                                        The waste transfer stations, run
          Queen ‘humbled and touched’ by                              by Cory Environmental Ltd, col-
                                                                      lect commercial and household
            Platinum Jubilee celebrations                             rubbish before it's sent to landfill
                                                                      or recycled.
                                                                        The union warned residents in
          THE  Queen has said she was  you have all played in these happy   all South London boroughs to ex-
         “humbled and deeply touched” by  celebrations.” It was signed, Eliz-  pect a knock-on effect to their bin
         the Platinum Jubilee celebrations  abeth R.                  collection services as no other lo-
         held across the UK.             Sunday’s pageant began with a   cal tips have the capacity to store  it has come down to industrial  all this inconvenience on the gen-
          In a “thank you” letter after a  military parade with personnel   the large volumes of rubbish that  action, but Cory have refused to  eral  public  to  be  avoided  –  Cory
         concluding pageant in London,  from the UK’s armed forces and   would build up if the Cory sites  budge. “GMB has announced four  needs to offer their workers a pay
                                                                                                     days of strikes initially, followed  deal that won’t result in them be-
         she said she remained committed  from across the Commonwealth.  Paul Grafton, GMB Regional Or-  by more frequent dates of action.  ing worse off at the end of each
         to serving as monarch with the   The 260-year-old Gold State   ganiser, said: “It is a shame that   “There is a very simple way for  month.”
         support of her family.        Coach which carried the Queen
          The Queen said despite not be-  to her coronation in 1953 rode
         ing at every event marking her   through the streets, with the
         70-year reign: “My heart has been   Queen appearing as a hologram   Half of Londoners struggling to
         with you all.”                inside.
          She was joined by three gener-  As the floats made their way
         ations of her family on the Buck-  past during the two hour show,   make ends meet, poll reveals
         ingham Palace balcony for the fi-  Prince Charles, Prince William
         nale of the pageant.          and Prince George – the next
          Her appearance rounded off    three generations of monarchs –   SOME  15% of Londoners are   The   analysis  found  that    A  Government  spokesperson
         a huge star-studded procession   all watched from the royal box.  financially struggling while 28%   220,000 households in London  said: “We understand that people
         along The Mall which saw carnival   The event rounds off a long   say they are ‘just about managing’  claim  Housing  Benefit  but  not
         floats celebrating the seven dec-  weekend  of  celebrations  across   Nearly half of Londoners are  Universal Credit, meaning  they   are struggling with rising prices
         ades of her reign.            the UK.                        struggling to make ends meet as  are  unable  to  receive the £650   which is why we have acted to pro-
          Millions of people also held Ju-  Saturday night saw affectionate                                                         tect the 8 million most vulnerable
         bilee parties and street lunches in   tributes from the Prince of Wales   the cost of living crisis continues  cost of living grant as Housing   families through at least £1,200
                                                                      to bite, according to new YouGov  Benefit is not one of the qualify-
         towns and cities across the UK on   and national figures during the                         ing benefits.                  of direct payments this year.
         the final day of the four-day bank   evening’s Platinum Party at the   polling.               Sadiq Khan has also said that   All  households  will  receive  the
         holiday weekend.              Palace.                          The latest figures from YouGov   the  two-child benefit  cap  and  a   £400 energy payments and £150
          In a statement issued as the long                           and City Hall’s cost of living sur-                           Council Tax rebate and Cost of
         weekend’s events drew to a close,   Stars including Diana Ross,   vey found that 15 per cent of Lon-  lack of targeted support for rent-  Living Payments do not count to-
         the Queen, who is 96, said she had   George Ezra, Queen and Elbow   doners are financially struggling  ers will leave many without sup-  wards the benefit cap...”
         been inspired by the kindness,   performed in front of a crowd of   – either because they are having
         joy and kinship she had seen over   about 22,000, and an average of   to go without basic needs, or be-
         during the four-day celebration.  nearly 12 million people in the UK   cause they are relying on debt to
          It said: “When it comes to how   watched the show on BBC One.  pay for their basic needs – while
         to mark 70 years as your Queen,   The Queen, who has been ex-  28  per  cent  said  they  were  “just
         there is no guidebook to follow.   periencing mobility problems in   about managing”.
         It really is a first. But I have been   recent months, was not able to at-  Just 14 per cent of respondents
         humbled and deeply touched that   tend the event herself.    said they were comfortable finan-
         so many people have taken to the   But she kicked off the event   cially, down 10 per cent since the
         streets to celebrate my Platinum   with a pre-filmed comedy sketch   same polling was conducted in
         Jubilee.                      showing her sharing a pot of tea   January, while 83 per cent said
          “While I may not have attended   with Paddington Bear, where they   their household costs had in-
         every event in person, my heart   both confessed to carrying around   creased in the past six months.
         has been with you all; and I re-  a marmalade sandwich.        It comes as the Mayor of Lon-
         main committed to serving you to   The Platinum Jubilee events be-  don launches a new attack on the
         the best of my ability, supported  gan on Thursday, with Trooping   Government’s “belated attempt”
         by my family.                 the Colour – at which the Queen   to provide support to those strug-
          “I have been inspired by the  also appeared on the balcony.  gling with the cost of living crisis.
         kindness, joy and kinship that has   There was  a service  of thanks-  City Hall analysis released
         been so evident in recent days,  giving on Friday, which she was   alongside the new YouGov polling
         and I hope this renewed sense of  unable  to  attend because  of  dis-  estimates that “hundreds of thou-
         togetherness will be felt for many  comfort she felt on Thursday.  sands” of Londoners will be “left
         years to come.                  She had to cancel her appear-  behind” as they are ineligible to
          “I thank you most sincerely for  ance at the Epsom Derby on Sat-  benefit from the Chancellor’s £15
         your good wishes and for the part  urday for the same reason.  billion package of support.
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