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News In English

ROYAL Mail is urging people to use up stamps that do not have a barcode by 31 January, when they will no longer be valid for postage. It says the deadline in exactly 100 days affects “everyday” stamps featuring the late Queen’s profile. Barcoded stamps were introduced in February to...
FIREFIGHTERS are urging people to swap traditional candles for battery-powered lights after a house was damaged in a blaze. London Fire Brigade said the fire, which damaged part of the first floor of a terraced house in Wickham Lane in Plumstead, south-east London, on Monday, is believed to have involved...
THE President of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Ersin Tatar will hold talks in London between 5 – 9 November. During his five-day visit to London, President Tatar will be taking part in a number of events during his visit and is expected to visit the World Travel...
MASKED men threw a Turkish radio DJ and his girlfriend into a van and beat him to death before dumping his burned body in the woods, a court has been told. The owner of Bizim FM’s tragic death shocked members of the Turkish-speaking communities last weekend, following missing appeals shared...
PARTICULARLY loved by the Turkish Cypriot community, Osman Balıkçıoğlu and the Balıkçıoğlu cabaret theatre presented their recent theatre called “The Other Half of the Apple”. The two-act tragicomic titled “The Other Half of the Apple” which Balikçıoğlu Cabaret Theatre put on stage this year was played on Sunday, October 23....
The Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations (CTCA) held a workshop on 23 October 2022 with its member schools. In a statement, CTCA President Fahri Zihni said “We are at a time of great danger for our schools and the education of our children. Despite the heroic efforts of many volunteer...
Rishi Sunak has become the country’s new prime minister after meeting the King at Buckingham Palace. As head of state, it is Charles’s duty to appoint the head of His Majesty’s Government. Mr Sunak won the Tory leadership contest without a vote being cast after rivals Penny Mordaunt and Boris Johnson dropped out, and will replace Liz Truss,...
Two young men were shot dead and a third left fighting for life following a street gunfight in east London early on Tuesday. Armed officers responded to the triple shooting in residential Henley Road, Ilford around 12.16am. Paramedics called police after reports of a fight in progress and shots fired. At the scene officers found three...
A 21-year-old woman was killed after the car she was a passenger in collided with an Enfield. Police were called to Mollison Avenue at 7.56 pm on Sunday, following reports of a crash between a BMW and a lorry. The woman, a passenger in the car, was pronounced dead at...
The flu season appears to have arrived early, experts have said, as they urged people to get a flu jab. Monitoring by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) suggests cases of flu have risen across England, with more calls to NHS 111 and a slight rise in people seeking help from their GP...
First-time house buyers could find it more difficult to get onto the property ladder due to fewer mortgage deals with smaller deposits being on offer. Figures from research body Moneyfacts show there were 137 mortgage offers at 95% loan-to-value on Monday, compared to 347 at the start of 2022. The...
A government minister has said he was “very sorry for the awful” gas explosion which killed a four-year-old girl at a home in south London. Sahara Salman died when a house on Galpin’s Road, Thornton Heath, collapsed in August. Three people were seriously injured, including an 11-year-old boy and a...
More than 900,000 drivers risk a £1,000 fine after failing to renew photocard licences which expired in the past year, an investigation has found. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) figures obtained by the PA news agency following a Freedom of Information request, show 926,000 people entitled to drive in Britain held cards on...
The UK’s next prime minister is Rishi Sunak after he was the only candidate still in the running to achieve 100 nominations from MPs. His main rival Boris Johnson dropped out of the race last night saying that it was ‘simply not the right time’ despite insisting he had the number of backers needed. Penny...
People who put on just under a stone in weight in midlife are significantly more likely to need a knee replacement, a new study has found. Women who put 11lb (5kg) are a third (34%) more likely to need a total knee replacement while men have 25% increased odds. The...
The prime minister has stepped up to a podium in Downing Street, after holding “crisis talks” with the chairman of the 1922 Committee. Then we hear it – that on her 45th day in power she is resigning. “I came into office at a time of great economic and international...
Detectives investigating the death of Koray Alpergin have charged three men with murder. The Turkish DJ and owner of Bizim FM’s body was found near to Oakwood Hill Industrial Estate in Loughton at around 11.55 am on Saturday, 15 October by officers from Essex Police. He was pronounced dead at...
Liz Truss was hit by an open revolt of Conservative MPs on Thursday as her grip on power appeared to be weakening by the hour. A growing number of Tory MPs went public this morning calling for the Prime Minister to quit after she sacked her Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, and extraordinary scenes of turmoil in the...