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Enfield Council to Help Smokers Quit

ENFIELD COUNCIL has organised entertainment and help for smokers to encourage them in giving up smoking.

Enfield Council to Help Smokers Quit



ENFIELD COUNCIL has organised entertainment and help for smokers to encourage them in giving up smoking.

As ‘Stoptober’ slowly approaches, Enfield Council will be handing out free information and advice at Edmonton Green Shopping Centre’s Asda on Thursday 1st October.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Health & Sport, Cllr Nneka Keazor said, “Research shows that if people can last for a month without smoking they are five times more likely to stop for good. So we want more smokers to try this challenge

“We shall be handing out information about smoking cessation courses in the borough and advice about the aids that can help. I must also remind everyone that from 1 October, when Stoptober starts, smoking in cars in the presence of children becomes illegal risking a fixed penalty £50 fine enforced by the police.

Entertainment will include Turkish Cypriot comedian Osman Balikcioglu, Nicky Wilkinson and Tony Cowards. This year’s campaign theme includes comedy, expecting to bring a light-hearted approach to deliver a serious message.

Free car air fresheners will also be handed out to promote smoke-free driving for those with children, explained Cllr Nneaka Keazor.

Why should we stop smoking?

  • Smoking remains the biggest cause of premature death in England accounting for over 80,000 deaths in the UK each year, with one in two long-term smokers dying prematurely from a smoking disease.
  • It costs the NHS approximately £2.7bn a year for treating diseases caused by smoking and is estimated to cost the UK approximately £5 billion per year through lost productivity and sickness absence.
  • Stoptober, launched in 2012, offering a programme designed to help people quit smoking based on evidence that if you quit for 28 days you are five times more likely to quit for good.

Latest figures for 2013

  • Reached 6.5 million smokers challenging them to quit.
  • 1.3 million smokers visited the website and 250,000 registered to take part.

Cllr Keazor continued, “Smokers who quit the habit are giving themselves the best gift. No longer needing to smoke, they save money, feel fitter, enjoy tasty food and live longer.

“In Enfield smoking is becoming increasingly unpopular with about 5,000 fewer people smoking than there were two years ago. The challenge now is to reduce the number of people smoking even further.”

Those who register for Stoptober will also receive information on a range of other options to support their quit attempt. And for the first time this year the campaign supports smokers wanting to quit using an e-cigarette.

For full range of options go to: to editors


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