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Turkey’s 101th Republic Day celebrated in London

Turkey’s 101th Republic Day celebrated in London
 Hundreds of members of the Turkish-speaking community celebrated the 101th anniversary of Turkey’s Republic at a Dinner and Dance organized by the Ataturk Society UK (ASUK) in London.

On Friday, the 25th of October, community members joined together to celebrate the milestone of Turkey’s government marking its 101th anniversary of the creation of its republic from the Ottoman Empire.

A minute of silence was held, followed by the Turkish national anthem with red and white flags waved across the hall as live music filled the room.

Special guest Turkish actor and politician mayor of the Etimesgut district of Ankara Erdal Beşikçioğlu attending with his Vice Mutlu Kerimoglu attended the event as well as Turkish Cypriot MP Barking Nesil Caliskan  and  Deputy Mayor of London for Environment and Energy Mete Coban. Families, friends, community organization members,  ASUK members, and members from the Azerbaijani community all celebrated together.

Speeches took place following dinner. The ASUK president Jale Ozer said, “Today, we proudly commemorate the Turkish Republic, founded on the principles of democracy, secularism, and the rule of law. Our Republic, born from the Turkish Nation’s struggle and resilience, was a gift from our leader, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. With his words, “Turkey will be prosperous, successful, and victorious,” he laid the foundation for our country to flourish.

“To truly appreciate our Republic’s value, let’s reflect on other nations’ struggles. The establishment of our secular system, as the only one among Muslim-majority countries, exemplifies the enlightened path Atatürk set for us. His vision, “Peace at Home, Peace in the World,” resonates globally, emphasizing stability and prosperity.

“The Republic has been especially impactful for Turkish women, who gained rights and social status that continue to inspire. As Türkan Saylan said, every educated woman owes a debt to the Republic. Yet today, we face challenges in education, justice, and press freedom that are shifting us away from our founding values.

Adding ” Our responsibility is to preserve and pass these values to future generations. Since our founding 27 years ago, the Atatürk Society UK has remained steadfast in promoting the spirit of our Republic. Together, with our fellow Atatürk associations worldwide, we are committed to contributing to positive change through knowledge, solidarity, and action..”

Beşikçioğlu was presented an award by Ozer, following which he gave a speech thanking her and ASUK for their invitation and joy of being able to celebrated the Turkey’s republic Day with the community living in London.



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